Sunday, November 30, 2008

21 weeks and counting...

So I am more than half way through this pregnancy- which is just down right scary. I feel like its going by so much faster then it did with Harrison.

I am feeling well though, and feeling the baby move around a lot. I started to feel the baby move at the end of October, and it hasn't stopped since!

This is Harrison giving the baby a kiss, like he does everyday!

Boy or Girl?

So we had our ultrasound on November 17th. Dan and I had decided to not find out the sex, despite many people telling us that they think we should. My mom even came up for the ultrasound, which was so nice because she had never seen one before.

My mom was in the "find out" camp. When we walked in, I told the tech right away that we didn't want to know. She was very stoned face, but I kept on quizzing her on if she knew the gender. Early on she said she thought she knew, then 5 mins later she said she knew for sure. In the meantime, Dan flipped on me and said we should find out.

But we we stayed strong and the gender of this child remains unknown! Can't wait to find out in April. Here are some ultrasound pictures!

Bad at posting...

When I got pregnant again, I promised myself that I would track this pregnancy by blogging. I was only pregnant with Harrison 2 years ago, but there is so many things that I forgot.

I think I underestimated the amount of time and energy it would take to be pregnant and chase after a toddler- so my blogging has lagged behind.

Anyway, here are a few catch up pictures. These are from our weekend in NY and at the Wiggles. Harrison got to meet the Wiggles. He was a little start struck and a little scared but he LOVED the show (so did we).